ImageI am reallllllly sorry about the lighting in these photos, it’s almost impossible to see what I’m actually wearing cause it’s so dark. I think I owe you an explanation, maybe to make up for how lousy these pictures are. -> No one wanted to go outside cause of the rain so this ↑↓ is the result of the camera being inside the garage and me standing just under the tip of the roof so I don’t get wet. I know…. I’m really lazy sometimes a lot of times.

BUT ~ now I’m on holidays!! I had my last exam today so that means I am officially on Christmas break! I’m having some friends over tonight for a little gingerbread house competition {pictures to follow} to celebrate the last school day of 2013 😀

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ImageI was going to call this post “Okanagan ~ Day 4” but I figured since I had taken these photos already back in Victoria there was no real point in doing that. So here I am; home sweet home 🙂

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ImageI had such a lovely weekend celebrating with my family & friends that I love so much! They truly make my life so bright I don’t know Continue reading



2 cups watermelon cubes
1 tsp. lemon juice
Sugar to taste( optional)
1 cup ice
Put al ingredients in blender. Blend up and Enjoy!
Garnish with watermelon slice.