
This truly is one of the best times of the year 🙂 There are no words that could describe the way I feel at Christmastime! So, I will leave you with tidings of great joy & hopes that you have a lovely time with people that matter dearly to you. As we are giving and receiving this season, let’s not forget the true reason why we celebrate this wonderful holiday; the little baby, Jesus Christ!

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I’m leaving tomorrow to go to my Aunt’s wedding in the Okanagan (more specifically ~Vernon~ but Okanagan sounds much more lovely and they are pretty much the same thing. Anyway, I thought I would throw together a little post of some glimpses into what I will be packing with me. How exciting, right? Haha… haha… not. Anyway I know that I may not be travelling every week to New York & Paris but I still appreciate you guys checking out my blog & being faithful followers 🙂 & to the newbies ~ welcome!

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One of my quirky qualities is that I like to find inspiration in simple & random moments/things. These pictures are some of the moments that I’ve enjoyed in the past few days & thought I would share with you 🙂Image Continue reading