ImageI have really been loving the colour purple this summer. I don’t know why because I’m not usually a big fan of it. I mean – don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful colour & I do wear it but I’ve always been more into a pink. What do you think about it? And what would you say is your signature colour?


Hello beautiful people! I’m in such a good mood today because I am officially on summer holidays! I had my last exam this morning (my last time ever having to do math 😀 ). Here are some images that got me through these past few weeks… just dreaming of sitting in the sun motivated me to do the last bit of studying! You can now expect more posts from me as well! Enjoy 🙂


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I love spring. It’s the time of year when you can mix jeans with tank tops, shorts with wooly sweaters & floral dresses with girly boots.  Plus, you know the sunshine is a bonus as well 🙂

Here are some looks that I’m loving this spring season…

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