
Band rehearsal → Drama → Art → Writing → Home → Mum getting mad at me for not managing my time correctly to pack {which I’ll admit happened because I was enjoying Gossip Girl} → Victoria Airport → Vancouver Airport → Kelowna Airport → Montana’s restaurant → Aunt & Uncle’s house

What my day looked like in point form, pretty much. I have to tell one story though… just one. Continue reading


ImageI was going to call this post “Okanagan ~ Day 4” but I figured since I had taken these photos already back in Victoria there was no real point in doing that. So here I am; home sweet home 🙂

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ImageHere I am, still engulfed in the indoor jungle. Along with my second-day-curled-hair and new tank from my wonderful sister 🙂 It’s funny that tops like these can be so popular. Because all they do is say a city’s name; if you put Victoria on there I can bet it wouldn’t have the same appeal. But NYC is such an iconic place where people dream of being & even though I’ve never been it still has a huge affect on me. Not sure what that rant was for, but…. Today we are just hanging around the hotel and tonight we will be going out for dinner with family 🙂 YAY! More food to get me fat!

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ImageI had to take photos here again because I just love the greens in the little indoor courtyard. The lighting may not be great but… whateverrrr 🙂 But truly, tell me if it really does bother you guys because I like keeping you all happy! Today was the wedding & this is what I wore… this dress was a gift from my sister last Christmas & the wedding was its first appearance.

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