ImageI thought I was going for a journalism look today with the tweed hat and button-down shirt. But apparently not. As you can probably see; the brown jeans and over-the-knee black boots look an awful lot like what a horse jockey would wear. Oh well ~ at least I like horses 🙂

We’re in Vancouver for the next couple days ~ having a little family trip & doing some Christmas shopping. It’s our family tradition to stay at the Four Seasons hotel around this time of year and I’m so excited to be back 😀

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ImageI’m sure many of you own at least one pair of denim shorts, I mean – their a summer staple! I know that they might only seem like a casual article of clothing, which is true… to a certain extent. I’ve tried experimenting with wearing them in different ways this summer, so far my endeavors have turned out positively 🙂 So, here I have created a few little looks that I thought could inspire a few of you!

Have a lovely weekend ~ xxoo